As our first hotel in Rome was situated at Via Salaria, I checked Via Salaria out on the Internet and here is what I found (from la Reppublica, Sunday 23 March) . The modern highway on the old via Salaria (salt road) has found some new kind of commodity , Prostitutes, Each day when we travelled back by bus from Rome Tiburtina to our hotel, from the bus station we had to cross a bridge to our hotel. This was full of condoms (below profilattici) and kleenexes (below fazoletti). Nobody seems to clean up. In fact, the girls joined the bus at ... and got down at the ramp to Via Salaria where they got into a car - I noticed Bulgarian license plates - which dropped them along the highway. Our bus in the morning was full of Romas (how appropriate) whe went to the markets or otherwise the metro stations, At Termini at least three of us got their wallets picked. But take this with a grain of salt. Ancient Rome was probably no different
Below the text of the article
Salaria hard core quartiere ostaggio della pro-stituzione
Tutto come prima, telecamere inutili
di Massimo Lugli